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Holy Book (Quran)
Holy Book


Islam means “surrender to the will of Allah,” the all-powerful the determines humanity’s fate. Good deeds will be rewarded at the last judgement in Paradise, and evil deeds will be punished in Hell.

          The five pillars, or primary duties, of Islam are profession of faith. Prayer, to be performed five times a day; almsgiving to the poor and the mosque (House of worship); fasting during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan; and Pilgrimage to Makkah (The Hajj) at least once in a Muslim’s shrine of Ka’ba, the most sacred site in Islam.


Countries With the Largest Muslim Population

1. Indonesia                               213    Million

2. India                                       174    Million

3. Pakistan                                 160    Million

4. Bangladesh                            129    Million

5. Egypt                                     70.53 Million

6. Turkey                                   68.96 Million

7. Iran                                         67.33 Million

8. Nigeria                                   64.38 Million

9. Ethiopia                                 37.53 Million

10. Morocco                              32.20 Million

Important Information About Islam

Holiest Place                                                        Khanna Kaaba

Second Holiest Place                                          Masjid Nabvi

Largest Islamic Country In Asia                       Kazakhstan

Largest Islamic Country By Population          Indonesia

Islamic Countries In Asia                                   27

Islamic Countries In Africa                                23

Islamic Countries In Europe                              05

Highest Place Of Islamic World                        K-2 Peak (Pakistan)

Longest River                                                       Nile (Egypt)

Highest Building                                                 Burg Dubai

Largest Desert                                                     Sahara-e-Azzam (Africa)

Longest Bridge                                                    Izmet (Turkey)

Longest Ship Canal                                            Suez Canal (Egypt)

First Nuclear Islamic Country                         Pakistan

Largest Army Of The Islamic Country          Pakistan

Largest Organization                                        OIC

Lowest Place Of The Islamic Country           Indonesia

Smallest Country By Area                               Maldives

Smallest Country By Population                   Maldives

Largest Mosque                                                Masjid-Ul-Haram (Saudi Arabia)

Largest Airport                                                 Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Largest Palace                                                  Shahi Mahal Brunei

Oldest University                                             Koresh

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