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Olympics Games

Olympics Games
Olympics Games

Olympics Games 

                    This is an international sports festival. Originally these games were held at Mount Olympus in Greece in the honour of  God Zeus. These continues from 776 BC till 349 AD these games started degenerating and by 580 AD they altogether vanished. 

                     Modern Olympics; In 1894 (after nearly 1500 years) French nobleman Barron Pierre De Coubertin revived these games and the modern series started from 1896 at Athens, and since then the games are held very four years.

                    Olympic Motto; "Citius,Altius,fortius" is the Latin Motto meaning "Swifter,Higher and Stronger" composed by Father Didon in 1897, and introduced as Olympic Motto in 1920 for the first time.

                    Olympic Emblem; Olympic emblem is composed of five rings of different colours representing the five Continents of the world.

     Blue - America 

     Black ring - Africa

     Green ring - Oceania 

     Separate Winter Olympic Games began in 1924. Women have competing in the Olympic since 1912. 

     Prior to the 1908 Olympics, entries at individual  and club levels were also accepted by the IOC. A Calcutta based Anglo Indian Norman Pritchhard participated in Paris Games in 1900 and won two Silver Medals in the 200m sprint and 200m hurdles and thus became the first Indian to have won Olympic Medals. 

    India officially participated in the Olympic for the first time in 1920 when four athletes and two wrestlers  were sent to participate in the Sixth Olympic Games at Antwerp, Belgium.

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