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communication skills and its types


communication skills and its types
communication skills and its types

Communication skills and its types

 The word communication is derived from Latin word communis means “common” or to share ideas in general. 

 Following are some definitions of communication. 

 Communication is an act through which people shares the information, ideas, knowledge and message in such a way that the person gains the common understanding of meaning, interest and use of the message effectively and efficiently. 

➢ The exchange of ideas between or among the human being is known as the communication. Human beings receive or send the ideas with a variety of ways such as verbal and non-verbal.

 ➢ The action of conveying and exchanging iformation and ideas is called communication, but it is effective only when it reflects the true image in the mind of the receiver as it conveyed by sender.

 ➢ Communction is best seen as two-way process.One-Way communication does exist.for number of reasons is not as effective as two-way communication.

 ➢ Following are the other forms of communication.Non-verbal communication which includes facial expressions,postures,gestrues etc.Where viusal communication inludes “Use of images or pictures such as painting or phography,video or film.”and electronic communication includes “telephonic calls,electronic mail,cable television or satellite broadcasts”. 


➢ Skill is an ability or capability to perform the job well. 

➢ Skill means to perform the given task with full expertise to bring productive results.

 ➢ Skill means the capability to perform the job effectively,efficienly and productively. 



There are several skills of communication, defined below, 

• Speaking Skills: It is the expression of ideas and thoughts orally.

 • Listening skills: It is related to the receiving and comprehending(understanding) spoken or written information.

 • Writing Skills: It is expression of ideas and thoughts in written form.

 • Non-Verbal communication: It is related to the expressions of the ideas and thoughts through postures, gestures and facial expressions.

 • Interpersonal: It is related to the interacting effectively with others. 

• Presentation skill: 

It is presentation of ideas and information in a clear and effective manner. Effective communication skills are important in every aspect of life, and can help you to achieve your goals, resolve conflicts and achieve your goals. 


 Speaking and writing are called “PRODUCTIVE skills” because they are involved in the producing of phrase, words, knowledge and sentences thus they are called productive skills by communication experts around the globe.


Listening and reading act as the receiving of information so they are called receptive skills. 


Listening Is a very fundamental skill of communication. It is called psychological process as it requires the attention of the receiver. It involves the process of receiving, understanding, remembering, Evaluating and responding. 


It is psychological process that occurs when you are in vicinity of vibrations and vibrations affect your eardrum. Hearing basically is a process that occurs without any attention of the any part of the receiver.


  there are two main levels of communication. 

1. Intra-Personal 

2.Inter- Personal

 There is also a third level, which is very least discussed called extra-Personal.

 1.INTRA-PERSONAL:  It is 1st level of communication. It occurs in mind. It includes thoughts, ideas etc. 

2. INTER-PERSONAL: It is 2nd level of communication. It takes place among people. It is sharing of the expressions among the people.


COMMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATION: An organization is a place where different types of people work together to achieve a unified goal of the organization. Organization may be defined as a group of individuals, large or small, that work under the authority of an executive to attain a set objective of the organizations.


There are three channels of communication in organization, however some other channels are also added because of their popularity. These channels are:



It is the flow of information from lower levels (Employee) to higher levels(executives) is called Upward communication. It may take forms like: Request, appeals, complaints, suggestions and demands. 


 It helps to provide Feedback, Effective decision making, constructive suggestions, motivation. 


It is the flow of information from higher levels(executives) to lower levels(employee). It may take forms like: Instructions, orders, explaining plains and projects, coordination and cooperation. 


 It boosts work efficiency, maintains labor management work relations, maintains organizational discipline. Assists in Effective decision making. Explains policies, procedure and plains.


 It is the transmission of the information between peoples, divisions and groups of the same level in organization hierarchy. Horizontal communication is generally referred to as LATERAL communication. 


 It decreases the misunderstanding between various departments working on the same project, thereby increasing its efficiency and productivity. • It may result in better implementation of top-level decisions since employee on lower levels are permitted to coordinate directly, with each other in the implementation of the decision made at the top. 


 it is informal form of communication channel in organizations. It is generally found in lower level of employees. It exists inform of rumors, exaggerated information or false type of information.


A communication Barrier is an element that hinders effective communication from sender to receiver. Communication barriers are influencing factors which breakdown the continues communication loop. A communication barrier can also be defined as mark of hindrance while transferring a message from one person to other.



 Many barriers arise in our surroundings. These barriers create problems or confusion in the smooth process of communication. 

• Distance: If people are physically far apart, it can be difficult for them to communicate effectively.

 • Noise: Noise can be a physical barrier to communication, as it can make it difficult for people to hear or understand one another.

 • Physical barriers: Physical objects, such as walls or furniture, can obstruct the line of sight between people and make it difficult for them to communicate effectively. 

• Disabilities: Some people may have disabilities that make it difficult for them to communicate effectively, such as hearing or speech impairments

• Cultural differences: People from different cultures may have different ways of communicating and may have difficulty understanding one another due to cultural differences. 


 psyche means mind. Human mind is a very complex thing to understand. We face certain conflicts due to the situations and surrounding events. Unfortunately, peoples do not accept that such barriers do exist in their minds, because of ego and psychological problems.

 i. EGO: “I” attitude means that I am superior to others. The sense of Superiority rises a barrier in human mind and ego Barriers create conflicts thus, Human relations affect at larger scale.

 ii. PREJUDICE: Bias (wrong opinion) about other peoples on the basis of community, caste, religion or on personal basis is very negative for communication. 

iii. STATUS: Status creates barrier in communication among employees at certain levels. Executives keep distance from the juniors thinking that communicating with subordinates will lower their status. Status consciousness is a series barrier in communication as it affects workplace productivity.

 iv. DAY DREAMING: Many students have habit of dreaming or thinking about something else when a lecture is going on or an important talk of a keynote speaker is going on. In such a situation, DAY DREAMING becomes a communication barrier, because messages are not delivered effectively.

 v. POOR RETENATION: The ability to retain the message in mind or remembering it is very important. When retention power is poor then communication becomes a barrier for healthy communication. 


 Cultural barriers in communication arise when peoples from different cultural background try to interact with each other, Here are some common cultural barriers.

 • Language differences: If two people speak different languages, they may have difficulty understanding each other's words and phrases.

 • Different customs and traditions: Different cultures often have different customs and traditions that govern how people behave and interact with each other. 

• Different values and beliefs: Different cultures often have different values and beliefs that shape their worldview.

 • Different behaviors and expectations: Different cultures also have different expectations for how people should behave in various social situations

. • Different nonverbal communication: Nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact can have different meanings in different cultures.

 Communication process and its components

 the communication process is the way in which people exchange information and ideas. It involves the following components:

 • Sender: This is the person who initiates the communication and sends the message. 

• Message: This is the information or ideas that the sender wants to convey to the recipient.

 • Medium: This is the channel through which the message is transmitted, such as face-to-face conversation, telephone, email, or text message. 

• Receiver: This is the person who receives the message. 

• Feedback: This is the response or reaction of the receiver to the message.



DEFINITION: Report writing is the process of documenting and presenting information to a specific audience.

 PURPOSE: The purpose of report writing is to communicate information clearly and concisely in an organized and structured format. Reports may be written for a variety of purposes, such as to describe an event, summarize findings from research or investigations, or make recommendations.

 There are several types of reports, including:

 • Informative reports: These reports provide information about a specific topic without making any recommendations.

 • Analytical reports: These reports present information and analyze it in order to make recommendations or conclusions. 

• Progress reports: These reports provide updates on the progress of a project or task. 

• Feasibility reports: These reports evaluate the feasibility of a proposed project or idea.

 • Incident reports: These reports document and describe an event or situation that has occurred.

 FORMAT: The format of a report may vary depending on the purpose and audience, but generally it should include the following elements: 

1. Title page: This includes the title of the report, the name of the author, and the date. 

2. Table of contents: This provides an overview of the report and lists the main sections and their page numbers.

 3. Executive summary: This is a brief summary of the main points of the report. 

4. Introduction: This provides background information on the topic and explains the purpose of the report.

 5. Body: This is the main section of the report and includes the information and analysis. 

6. Conclusion: This summarizes the main points of the report and may include recommendations. 

7. References: This lists any sources of information that were used in the report.

 8. Appendices: This includes any additional materials that are relevant to the report, such as graphs, tables, or photographs



DEFINITION: Technical report writing is the process of documenting and presenting information about a technical subject or project. 

 PURPOSE: The purpose of technical report writing is to convey technical information clearly and concisely to a specific audience. Technical reports may be written for a variety of purposes, such as to describe the results of scientific or engineering research, to document the design and construction of a technical system, or to provide technical instructions.

 There are several types of technical reports, including: 

• Research reports: These reports describe the results of scientific or engineering research and may include an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, and references. 

• Design reports: These reports describe the design and construction of a technical system and may include an introduction, background, design criteria, design process, results, and conclusion.

 • Instructional reports: These reports provide technical instructions or guidelines for using a product or system. 

• Progress reports: These reports provide updates on the progress of a technical project or task.


PUBLIC SPEAKING Public speaking is a speaking to the group of people in a structured manner to inform, influence or entertain the audience.


Public skill may be defined as the art of appearing in front of audience, facing the audience, presenting the speech and making them understand what you want to inform/pursue them within the limited time and resources available. 

PURPOSE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILL The purpose of public speaking skills is to enable a person to effectively deliver a presentation or speech to a group of people. These skills can be useful in many different settings, including business, education, and personal communication. By using public speaking skills, a person can effectively convey their ideas, persuade others, and engage their audience. 


 • Voice projection: This skill involves using your voice effectively to reach and engage your audience, even if you are speaking to a large group.

 • Verbal communication: This skill involves using language effectively to convey your ideas and message to your audience. This can include using appropriate vocabulary, pacing, and tone. 

• Nonverbal communication: This skill involves using your body language and other nonverbal cues to convey your message and engage your audience. This can include eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions. 

• Visual aids: This skill involves using visual aids such as slides, videos, or other materials to enhance your presentation and help your audience understand and retain your message. 

• Organization: This skill involves organizing your presentation in a clear and logical way, with an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.



Writing is an important component of communication. It allows written putting their ideas on the face of paper, organizing the material in a convincing manner to convey the meaning of the text through a well-constructed form. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of writing is to communicate ideas, thoughts, and information to others through the written word. Writing skills are important because they enable a person to effectively convey their ideas and message to their audience. Good writing skills can also help a person to think critically and express themselves clearly and concisely.


 Reading in very simple terms means making the sense of written text in true sense of the word. Just recognizing the alphabetical letters and pronouncing them correctly can't be considered reading in the true sense of word. The reading process focuses on meaning, understanding and interpretation(explanation/meaning) of the written document.

 READING TECHNIQUES: Simply put, surveying, scanning and skimming are the effective reading techniques.

 1.SURVEYING: Surveying is a very effective manner of dealing with articles by looking at their headings, sub-headings, bold print, Italics, pictures, table and graph (if any) and surely will give you an idea about the content of the written text of the documents.

 2.SKIMMING: It is considered a very useful technique in reading, means reading a text quickly to get the main idea of the topic. By applying skimming technique one can spare his precious time by enjoying the reading of his choice. 3.SCANNING: Scanning in reading means to get ‘a bird eye view of topic”. For example, Reading the text of the book or the document with eyes only. It is an effective technique of reading through which specific information or an answer to a particular question or the data can be easily located.


Q1: Communication skills are essential and inborn capabilities of human by which they create a society to live.


 ANS: Communication skills are the abilities that are used when giving and receiving information in its various forms, which enable a person to pass information to other people and to understand what is said to him. Communication skills have become one of the basic requirements for personal and institutional development. Well-developed communication skills are essential for a child's academic success and successful future career. At all levels of education, students should be able to communicate effectively. Communication skills are an essential leadership function and a major characteristic of a good leader. Communication skills and effective leadership styles are closely intertwined. Lack of communication skills can make team members uncomfortable and unenthusiastic about their work while good communication skills help a team work together to achieve the desired goals. Having strong communication skills helps in all aspects of life, from people's professional lives to the transition to their personal lives, and everything that falls in between. All life transactions result from communication. Communication skills help achieve the goals planned in advance, provide a clear-cut vision about those goals, and achieve good preparation for them in an appropriate environment. 


ANS: The format of a technical report may vary depending on the purpose and audience, but generally it should include the following elements:

 1. Title page: This includes the title of the report, the name of the author, and the date.

 2. Table of contents: This provides an overview of the report and lists the main sections and their page numbers.

 3. Executive summary: This is a brief summary of the main points of the report.

4. Introduction: This provides background information on the topic and explains the purpose of the report. 

5. Body: This is the main section of the report and includes the information and analysis. 

6. Conclusion: This summarizes the main points of the technical report and may include recommendations. 

7. References: This lists any sources of information that were used in the report.

 8. Appendices: This includes any additional materials that are relevant to the report, such as graphs, tables, or photographs.

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